Rescuer: Project
2. Create A Maze
Create a maze on your floor for your rescuer robot to navigate.
The design of the maze is up to you but it should have :
- an entry point
- an exit point
- contain a mixture of
- dead-ends,
- left turns
- right turns.
It is recommended to make the maze no larger than 2 meters squared with corridors 40-50cm wide.
Use whatever objects you have around you to construct the walls of the maze.
For the distance sensors to sense these walls, the walls must be solid.
Solid walls can be created from many things including
- boxes,
- books,
- blankets,
- cushions
- opened up cereal boxes taped together.
- table turned on its side (with permission from an adult),
- a piece of solid furniture such as a low sofa
- a physical wall as part of your maze.
- you could even use plant pots with luxurious plants to get that Amazonian feel!
Below is an example for inspiration.