Ops Manager Learn 3: First Steps / Line Follower

11. Other Line Follower Methods

So far we've been using line_follower.position() to know where the line is.

Experiment with the following methods

          • position_01()
          • position_bw()
          • position_val()

by modifying your test_line_follower() function:

def test_line_follower(): 
print(f"Position of line = {line_follower.position()}")
print(f"Position of line as 01 = {line_follower.position_01()}")
print(f"Position of line as BW = {line_follower.position_bw()}")
print(f"Position of line as value= {line_follower.position_val()}")

Can you figure out how these methods are similar and how they differ?