BrickPi Candy Sorter

5. Wire Up the Raspberry Pi

To finish the project, you’ll need to connect a few things:

  • Conveyor Belt Motor - Motor Port B.
  • Imaging Basket Servo Motor Port C.
  • Rake (the motor on top) - Motor Port D.
  • Raspberry Pi Power Supply - Micro USB Port of the Raspberry Pi.
  • BrickPi Power Pack - Power Port of the BrickPi.
Remember to connect the Camera! We’ll be using a Raspberry Pi Camera with the Raspberry Pi, here are some directions on setting up the camera.

These Raspberry Pi Camera set up directions assume you’re using Raspbian for Robots on your SD Card. You can buy an SD Card with Raspbian for Robots on it, or you can download it for free and install it using our directions here.

 If you’re not using Raspbian for Robots, you will need to take additional steps to enable and set up your camera; here are some directions on setting up the camera.