
This is the second challenge within the Robotics with GoPiGo and Python Curriculum.

Your task is to program your robot to alert a person with a hearing impairment to visiting house guests.

Learn how to use the Loudness Sensor alongside Jupyter Notebooks.

2. Your Task

Alert your friend with a hearing impairment to visiting house guests.

People with a hearing impairment cannot hear sound-based alerts such as those emitted by traditional doorbells and alarm clocks. Instead, they use alerts that employ one of their other senses such as vision.

Your robot has been tasked with notifying your friend whenever guests arrive at the house (they can't hear a doorbell). To do this, your robot will listen carefully for the doorbell to ring and, when it does, turn on the desk lamp. The lamp becomes a visual cue that something audible has happened.

People with a vision impairment would do the opposite. They would benefit from having an audible alert when something visual has happened, such as the beeps you hear when it's safe to cross the street.