Rescuer: Project

This is the third challenge within the Robotics with GoPiGo and Python Curriculum.

Your task is to design a robot program that can navigate through the maze-like jungle without trampling over any plants or getting stuck in any dead ends.

Learn how to use the Distance Sensor and practice using the left-hand rule of maze-solving.

4. Program Your Rescuer Robot

Now it’s time to code up your rescuer robot. Using what you have learned and the truth table you have constructed above to guide you, change the code in the Main Code cell so that, when run, your robot will navigate successfully through your maze.

You might want to think carefully about the following issues:

      1. How do you translate distance readings into yes/no answers to the question “is there a wall?”?
      2. How does your solution deal with dead ends?

May your mission be successful!