Servo Motor Mounts

In Lesson 4 students will continue to enrich their understanding of the Engineering Design Process as they add mounts to hold servo motors to their GoPiGo Robots. This is a great lesson in measuring, planning, and rethinking how systems work.

5. Reflection

This is the fourth lesson of our design unit. Hopefully, you have started to feel comfortable with Tinkercad and starting to generate a lot of ideas on how to use 3D printing in your classroom. This might be a good opportunity to provide feedback to your teacher about your comfortability level, questions, or thoughts about the projects. As a teacher myself, I always feel it is helpful to stop and ask my students for some feedback on the projects we have worked on. Take this opportunity to provide some feedback to your teacher about anything you liked, disliked, were proud of, or are struggling with.

Reflect on anything you liked, disliked, were proud of, or are struggling with in this design unit.