05 Mission Instructions

Your mission is to create a robot that starts an interaction when a human approaches.  Your robot should be friendly and act as naturally as possible.

4. Code: Doing the Wave

Before we try to create the interactive part of our code, spend some time investigating the commands related to the servo itself. A program like this can help you understand what it means to center your servo, rotate it 90*, and release it.  

Based on what you learn during these investigations, it might mean that you adjust where or how your servo is mounted on your robot.

Once you understand the three basic commands for a servo, design a program that most closely matches your planned behavior from Step 2 above. You’ll need to fine-tune the degrees that your servo rotates as well as any wait time in between movements. 

Here are two versions of an example code that both do the same thing. One shows off using loops and the other just lists the servo turns one by one.