Introduction to 3D Modeling

In this second of five lessons on the Engineering Design Process, students will 3d model a license plate or flag for their GoPiGo robot using a color (basic) or the name they chose (advanced) in Lesson 1 (In lesson 1, we chose a name for our robot based on our favorite engineer, inventor or computer scientist). This lesson uses the free website to begin the process of 3d modeling. Upon completion of this lesson students will have a .stl file of a license plate or flag which can be printed on classroom 3d printers and will be able to be attached to the GoPiGo.

4. Evaluate

With any luck, your first design worked perfectly and is exactly what you hoped for. However, with most engineering design projects, the lessons learned through the exercise may have sparked ideas on how to improve your original design or create an entirely new solution altogether. If this is the case, revisit the Design Process and make improvements until things are just right. The more you practice with Tinkercad, the better your skills will become.

How did your 3d print come out? What else would you like to make using a 3d printer?